Would you be willing to consume Cod Liver Oil to get over the Pain of Arthritis.
Would you swallow several Cloves of Garlic every Day to get your clogged Arteries free.
Would you give up starchy meals,Sugared Drinks and heavily processed Foods.
Would you turn to Fish and red Meats,Vegetables and Salad only to get rid of Colitis.
Would you stop Dairy Products if you have heavy Asthma and Skin Disease.
Would you walk an Hour a Day to get your Blood-pressure down.
Would you cut your Foot-nails regularly to keep your Kidneys healthy.
Would you take Castor Oil to get your Bowels moving, freeing you from sick Headaches.
Would you fill Cuts and Wounds with Chili Powder , Bandage and wait.
Would you do all this for your Health, than this will be your Cure.
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